Tuesday, May 24, 2011

24 Weeks

I Am 24 Weeks Pregnant - This Is What My Baby Looks Like!
Not too long to go, this is now my last trimester of pregnancy and I can't wait! I've now been experiencing a lot of sleeping issues and if I have a long day I puff up pretty nicely. I've got my baby bump getting in the way of some things now and making it harder to just sit up in bed. The other night I told Carlos I felt like a whale and he quickly and kindly responded with, "but you don't look like a whale!" Haha-good man...

The following are the facts about my baby:

Your fetus weighs more than 1.3 pounds/ 600 grams. Though she still has little body fat and her skin is thin and fragile, she's now well-proportioned. Her brain is growing rapidly, and she is starting to fill the space in your uterus. From crown to heel she could measure 11.8 inches/ 30 centimeters. If you went into labor at this time, however, many obstetricians and midwives would make every effort to halt the progress of premature labor to enable your baby to continue maturing.

You may be noticing faint, red or brown streaks known as striae or stretch marks on your abdomen, hips and breasts. While creams won't erase them, wearing a supportive bra may help prevent or minimize them on your breasts. They are very common at this stage of the pregnancy -- about 90 per cent of women get them. After you've given birth, the reddish or brown pigmentation in the stretch marks gradually fades, and the streaks become lighter than the surrounding skin.
(I haven't had any at all yet-hoping that keeps up!).

Also, your eyes may be light-sensitive and may feel gritty and dry. This is a perfectly normal pregnancy symptom known as 'dry-eye'. To ease your discomfort, use an "artificial tears" solution to add moisture.
(I have been wearing my glasses more-my contacts hate my eyes).

Overall, I have been feeling great. I only have occasional bouts of random nausea-and it's usually if I get too hungry or smell something weird. I get tired a little more easily and move a little more slowly in general. My natural inclination to do everything at light speed has been a challenge. I have to force myself to take it easy and move at a slower pace so I don't exhaust myself. I've been relaxing in the afternoons with a book or baby magazines and teaching myself how to rest so when the baby is here it won't be such a shock to my system. I'm sure it will be easier to rest when I'm physically exhausted from all the sleeplessness and general lack of energy.

Jayden's closet is slowly collecting items and my nesting side loves it. We bought some cute little outdoor outfits to keep him cozy and warm as the cooler months approach and for when we make a trip to see Nana Teresa in December. I look forward to walking with him this fall and spending time together outside. I hope he loves being outside as much as his daddy and I do. Tucker loves exploring Jayden's new things and sniffing every article of clothing being hung up. I'm glad Jayden will have such a sweet dog to grow up with.

My next OB appointment is June 6th. Next week I have to go get my diabetes testing done. GROSS! I'm not looking forward to that one. I had only gained 2 lbs over the last month and my OB said Jayden is looking great. He's on the small side of the scale right now and really long but she thinks by this next appointment he will be a lot bigger because of all the changes that happen within this month. I'm hoping the diabetes test will go smoothly and I will get to see Jayden again soon : ) In the meantime, I am enjoying(most of the time) his constant little kicks, flips and reminders that he isn't slowing down in there.

Love to all,

Lyd and Jayden

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Haha-a kid jumped in behind us and the water was freezing!

This Mother's Day was obviously a little different for me personally, but today I want to talk about someone else : ) I hated being states away from my mom-but I'm grateful for all the years I lived and learned under her at home.

First of all, I want to thank my mumsie, Teresa Grady for being the most amazing example of a wife, mother and friend who loves God with all her heart. There is no doubt in my mind that my relationship with God and Carlos would be very different if she hadn't poured her life into me.

Now, I'm going to brag on her! I have learned so much from her example. She is the most selfless and humble person I know, and there is no doubt in my mind that her reward in heaven is great. She's never had the most spectacular house to call her own-but with what she was given she made our house a home. Our home has always been a safe place for our family and countless other people who have come through. Our home is filled with love and laughter, home cooked meals, people who need to be loved on and lots of coffee : ) She gives to people in need from what she doesn't always have to give, shows them how to love their families, and is a shoulder to cry on or a firm kick in the butt(depending on what is needed).

She has given countless hours of her time to teach my siblings and myself academically, spiritually and practically. There were tears shed, arguments, and hurt feelings, but more than that there were hugs, kisses, laughter(usually at someone's expense), fun outings, games, breakthroughs, victories small and large, compassion(usually after the laughing at someone's expense)lots of imparted wisdom and understanding. We have always known that we are loved, valued and blessed beyond what words can say.

When I left home to make my own I knew I was well prepared. Not only had she been an amazing spiritual mentor and guide, but she taught me how to diligently care for a household. I was taught how to feed my family, keep a peaceful, clean and organized house, be frugal with my money and generous with it, too. I knew how to sew and mend, do anything laundry related, decorate for special occasions on a budget and bless others who enter my home. She taught me that it's not about how big your house is or how much money you have in the bank-it's your family that is worth more than gold.

Having Jayden on the way has made me ever more grateful for the 23 years that she has poured into my life. I know that there are many more years of learning from her to come, and I hope to be the kind of mother she still is to me.

I love you more than I can tell you,
