Monday, August 1, 2011

34wks? Yes, no...maybe so?

It is truly humbling and comforting to know that regardless of what people say, think or do, God's plans remain the same. The last week of our lives has been full of twists and turns, but we take comfort in knowing God has never been out of control for even a second of it.

Last Tuesday I went to my OB for a routine appointment. I had been having some contractions, but didn't think anything of them because they were never too close together. They were intense, but not unbearable. I mentioned them to mu OB while she was checking Jayden's heartbeat and the look on her face concerned me. She told me Jayden's heartbeat was significantly lower than usual and his movements(or lack thereof) were concerning to her. Upon further examination, she discovered my cervix was under a lot of pressure and my contractions were more significant than I gave them credit for. According to my symptoms and the amount of pressure on my cervix I could start to dilate and she was surprised I hadn't started to already. She quickly rushed me over to the triage part of the labor and delivery unit to be monitored. My "routine" visit quickly because a little bit scary. I was two days away from the anniversary of losing our first little baby and was having an emotional week as it was. I was not prepared for a scary appointment. I kept praying over baby Jayden and asking God to give me strength to get through the day while trusting in Him and his plans.

The nurses in the labor and delivery unit were amazing! I've come to get to know several of them and they were quick to speak encouraging words, make me laugh and helped me relax through a stressful time. After an hour of monitoring not much had changed. Jayden's heartbeat was still fluctuating from really low to just below normal and my contractions were about the same. There wasn't much they could do so they sent me home and told me to take it easy for a few days until the appointment they scheduled for us with a cardiologist.

The cardiologist appointment was for me and Jayden. We were both monitored and given several different tests. There was an ultrasound done on our both of our hearts and they were normal. The ultrasound tech said the Dr. was running late and asked us if we wanted to see baby J while we were waiting. YES, we do! I haven't seen him for almost 13 weeks and thrilled to get another chance. The tech looked around and showed us all the features, but...his head. We couldn't see his head at all. His head was totally engaged and not visible. The tech asked how far along I was and I told him 33 weeks. He said, "Well, it really looks you might be a good three weeks further along than that." What? "He's a big baby and they don't generally stay in one position this early. He has also turned and come down fully into position. He's not likely going anywhere now. I suggest you consult your OB because of his size." Well, needless to say we were not expecting our "pre-term labor" issues to be "full term" labor issues. I will be finding out Tuesday what my OB has to say about this new discovery. My last two ultrasound appointments have put Jayden at the max end of the scale for his length and the minimum end for his weight. The last ultrasound tech also questioned our date, but said he could just be a really long baby. We originally thought I was pregnant in December, but didn't test positive until January. I technically could be a good three to four weeks ahead of schedule.

If Jayden is big(which may or not be really big to us) we might consider an induction because his "due date" isn't until mid September. If he's at the point of gaining a pound a week, I would really like to try not to deliver an 11lb baby. I also don't want to end up having a c-section if he is big-so if he is close to 8-9lbs right now we might schedule an induction. If we find out he's not so big we will wait and see what happens. Either way, with him being fully engaged things could happen really quickly, or he might decide to stick it out as long as possible and come in September after all. Only God knows when he's coming at this point. We feel much better knowing that he's not as small as we thought he was. We are getting everything ready, and my shower is two weeks away. If he can hold off for at least two weeks, when the shower and Nana Teresa are here that would be preferable.

Whatever happens I can't wait to meet him. He's keeping me on my toes already and I know God has big plans for this little man. Thank you for all the sweet messages, prayers and cards. It has been so encouraging to hear your stories of God's faithfulness in similar situations.


Lyd and Jayden

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